With Halloween around the corner, it got us thinking about costumes and cosplay! Throughout this week, we’re putting the spotlight on a number of incredibly talented cosplayers who have caught our attention in the DEATH STRANDING community. Our fans are SO creative and we want to celebrate that! First up, we’re putting the spotlight on Leah, who’s multiple cosplay creations really stood out to us.
Hi – Please can you introduce yourself?
Hi! My name is Leah and I’m a small Spanish cosplayer who loves videogames and specially Hideo Kojima’s works.
How long have you been cosplaying for?
I’m 28 now and I’ve been doing cosplay since I was 16, so woah, 12 years! Guess I’ve been around for a quite long while, I’m a veteran of cosplay.
What inspired you to cosplay as Fragile and Higgs from DEATH STRANDING?
Not only do I love Hideo Kojima’s works, but also Troy Baker’s work. The moment I saw his name on the trailer I was more than prepared to see what this character was going to be like. But as soon as I started the game I noticed he was more than a “bad guy”, he had a certain something that caught my attention. DEATH STRANDING is a touching game, a really relaxing one to play, yet every time he (Troy) showed up, it was pure chaos. To be honest I’ve always had a weak spot for villains and characters like him, because there is always a big reason for them to act this way which for me makes them really interested. He’s another victim of the sociality we got to experience in the DEATH STRANDING world, and he faced it differently than the rest. And let’s be honest, his outfit it’s amazing. As a cosplayer it caught my eyes immediately. (Chuckles)
Can you talk a bit about the process of putting together your DEATH STRANDING inspired cosplay?
Sure! In fact, I never dared to do such type of cosplays before I did Higgs. This was a big deal for me, a before and after as a cosplayer. Until I decided to do it all I did was sort of easy, only animated characters who did not need any kind of “transformation”. Stuff you could get anywhere. But this time where could you get an odradek for example? Or the pod? You know? I started to check all different types of tactical suits and accessories, to make it accurate and at the same time realistic for a character like him. At the same time I needed everything to make me look bigger, more masculine. My room was a whole mess for an entire month because I wanted to be one of the first at a convention, wearing DEATH STRANDING cosplay, so I had to rush a bit. I burnt and cut my hands several times. It was a challenge for me and though I was really happy with the result I was scared of social media, but thankfully the community loved it! I felt great and the pain of doing this cosplay was worth it!
Are there any other characters you’d love to cosplay as from the DEATH STRANDING world?
All of them! (Chuckles) No but seriously, I think they are all amazing. Besides Higgs, I got myself a Fragile Express jacket and did a quick Fragile, which actually came out looking pretty good! I love the Bridges’ porter suit so who knows, maybe Sam one day? But for sure I’ll be making Cliff sooner or later, as someone who lost her dad I can’t help but to love deeply this character. Strong, brave, father figures like his, really get my heart.
What advice do you have for aspiring cosplayers?
You see, when I started there were many rules about cosplaying. Now cosplaying has matured and evolved and that allows all of those who want to try and cosplay, more space to have fun. Back in the day, people looked weirdly at me for trying to look like a male character, while today I can go outside as Higgs. What I’m trying to say is cosplay doesn’t end with “play” for no reason. This is supposed to be fun even when creating the costume can be a little bit stressful at times. Only limit in cosplay, is your imagination and where can it takes you. Have fun, keep working, don’t pay attention to mean comments. Don’t be afraid to shine!
A big thank you to Leah for taking the time to answer our questions. Head over to to check out more of her amazing work!
If you haven’t joined the DEATH STRANDING community yet, now is the time! Enjoy 40% off as part of the Steam Halloween Sale!