There are just 3 days to go until we launch DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on iOS and Mac!
For those looking to join this amazing community and learn a thing or two on what to expect, you’ve come to the right place. Porters who join us on iOS or Mac will share the same server as Steam and Epic users, so today we want to highlight a number of ways you can help and show appreciation to one another in-game, thanks to the Social Strand System.
A big thank you yet again to our incredible community contributors for continuing to be amazing mentors for new players!
Smash that like button, this game is about making connections. Show some love to the Porters who paved the way for you, especially if they’ve dropped a structure in a tricky spot that makes your life easier. – Daaak_Sifter
Use other players’ structures, build your own structures with them in mind, help to keep them maintained and upgrade your own, the space saved on bandwidth will mean that you can build even more structures. And keep on keeping on! – Axii
If you have some materials on hand to add to a road, do it. If you’ve got a moment to put up a bridge in an area that’s hard to reach, do that. If you’ve got a spare PCC, go ahead and throw up a generator or shelter, even if you personally don’t need it. There’ll always be someone out there who ends up coming up short on a supply or gets caught in timefall that will really appreciate that little bit of extra effort on your part. Always be paying forward. Keep on keeping on. – Thunder–Bolt
You can be a star by helping your fellow man. Leave a nice fresh pair of boots and any other spares in that strange post box you came across at the top of the world. Who knows who made the trek without a care in the world and are now stuck there? Did you know that’s how I got my first pair of coveted Chiral Boots? They were waiting for me between a BT and a hard place. – Vladu24
(Credit: Nabek)
Building roads is one of the most rewarding things you can do. You can allow yourself to drive or walk from place to place safely, while also helping other porters with their deliveries. It also gains you quite a good amount of likes. around every day I get 6000-9000 likes every day! So if you want to help out your fellow porters, build a road or two! – Tetrimis
Play online and work with others to help each other out. Very helpful when rebuilding roads. Also when you get the Unlock the Zip-Line use it to max out the stars at each facility. This will give you more bandwidth to build more stuff. Also you can take 1 floating carrier on the zip-line with you to make large deliveries easier. – BenT
Always remember to invest a bit (or even more than that) of your time and materials to build and maintain the highways, they won’t only be a boon to you, but your fellow Porters will surely thank you as well. – TENGU
(Credit: kling)
If you see other Porters on your travels, you can drop something for them and they’ll give you some equipment in exchange! Even if you don’t need to use them immediately, it’s a good idea to place ladders and climbing ropes in tough areas you find along the way. It could help you out in a pinch later on, as well as other players. – HeWhoHasSeenFootage
When you get the chance to donate likes, do it. what goes around, comes around. and even the small things can make someone’s day! – Retrowave
Lend a helping hand to those in need, whether they are other Porters or NPCs. There will always be structures in need of improvement, new paths to be walked and packages to be delivered. – StocKaticUs
(Credit: BialyJaskier)