ICYMI – DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT launches on iOS and Mac on January 30th. With just 6 days to go, we wanted to take a moment to give upcoming virtual photographers some advice from exciting Porters who have spent hours venturing across the world of DEATH STRANDING, capturing their surroundings along the way.
We asked virtual photographers to share their favourite locations for newcomers and of course, you didn’t disappoint! Once again, a big thank you to our amazing community contributors for offering such great suggestions and advice.
The mountain range opposite the Distribution Centre South of Lake Knot City is my absolute favourite view in the entire game. I’ve taken hundreds of pictures from different angles of it. It’s a location where rainbows form often so if you get it right. You can take the most beautiful pictures without much effort. It’s sheer size really captures how big and beautiful the entire map really is.
The area around Capital Knot City is the real first taste of the world we get to experience, as well as one of the prettiest. Between Capital Knot City and the Incinerator is a beautiful little waterfall. One I highly recommend any Virtual Photographer to go visit.
Mountain Knot City is also beautiful! It’s also your first real encounter with the snowy mountains. From the The Mountaineer bunker to Heartman’s Lab. It’s filled with snow, greenery and old structures. A perfect place to explore and take pictures.
SUGGESTIONS FROM @shinobi_space
One of the locations that impressed me the most is that little corner, right outside Mountain Knot City. A field stabbed with armature vestiges like Giants’ swords with cloth floating in the wind, straight out from another world. If you walk there when the weather is snowy, when BTs are all around, the eerie atmosphere brings you to a whole different reality.
I always come back there to take new shots. There is also a little stream coming out of the mountain right there. You can really get different feelings in your shots with this little corner of land.
Off the Beaten Path (Cryptobiote rock pool North East of Capitol Knot City) – From the outset of DEATH STRANDING, the world opens into a vast landscape of colour and adventure for porters to explore. Take your time and explore every valley and peak you can to find your first glimpses of the hidden beauty of the UCA.
On the Mountain Road (Leaving Mountain Knot City on Route 41) – The Mountains are as beautiful as they are dangerous. Once you’ve conquered them on foot you can help build the highways which not only make yours and other Porters journey easier but will add a whole new look to the imposing peaks and deep ravines of the mountain pass.
From the Heart (Zipline across the Heartman Crater) – The UCA is filled with incredible photographic opportunities for the Porter willing to find them. The beauty of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT is everywhere and like Sam Bridges, with two feet and a Heartbeat you can find things never before seen, as you journey to reconnect the world!
It’s difficult to identify your favorite playing positions in DEATH STRANDING because the world imagined by Hideo Kojima and created by KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS is beautiful in every corner. A good photographer, even wasting time, tries to capture what he likes by climbing even in unthinkable places and here it is possible to do so. DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT Photo Mode is one of the best that I have been able to use and even today I have great pleasure in taking photographs with extreme naturalness thanks to the variety of tools.
Why look far when what you have is within reach? As soon as you leave Capital Knot City there is this wonderful union of rivers with the fog in the distance which creates a harmony of lights and colours.
There are few waterfalls in the game that can be photographed this close. This wonderful view is hidden but easily found east of the Capital Knot City incinerator. It has a small walkable lake. Adjust the intensity of the Retro filter.
One of the locations where I had the most fun photographing due to the complexity of the elements that had just left the Logistics Center north of Edge Knot City. Inside and outside you will find truly incredible places to take shots of various types.
For me personally, any location and any background is good for a cool and interesting photo. It’s just a matter of framing the character or area well.